Saturday, June 25, 2011

gray hair : Causes of Gray Hair

Gray hair is supposedly a sign of wisdom. Well, Gray hair is caused when the follicle is unable to add color to the hair or when there is lack of melanin in the body. Melanin is responsible in giving color to the hair and due to the lack of which the hair starts to grey. Grey hair in old days was the sign of reaching mid life or starting with old age. But in today’s life even very young people get gray hair.
There are a lot of reasons for having grey hair. One reason could be stress and tension. Lot of stress and tension leads to early graying of hair. Another reason could be age. If a person is around 40 it is natural for him to start graying. It is not that every person who reaches 40 or 40+ has grey hair but generally this is the scenario every where. As you age your body capacity to produce melanin decreases and you tend to grey fast. Smoking can also be one of the reasons for gray hair at an early age. Smoking is generally said to be injurious to health so it has to be injurious to your hair too. Certain Illness can also lead to graying or premature ageing of hair. Some drugs can also lead to change of color of hair early.

Grey Hair Treatment

There are some grey hair treatment available. Apart from temporary cosmetic treatments like dyeing and coloring, you can try natural methods for gray hair treatment. While coloring could rid you of the problem for some months, to dye grey hair means you will face with the problem again in less than a month. Other cosmetics available in the market may just help you keep your hair in a good condition and healthy but they would not help in delaying the process of getting gray hair. Natural remedies are a better option as discussed in the next section.

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