Saturday, April 30, 2011

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

How Do I Find Out if I Grind My Teeth? 

Because grinding often occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they grind their teeth. However, a dull, constant headache or sore jaw is a telltale symptom of bruxism. Many times people learn that they grind their teeth by their loved one who hears the grinding at night.Learn about the effects of and solutions for teeth grinding.The habit of grinding, gnashing, grating, or clenching the teeth is termed bruxism, and millions of adults and children are affected by this condition. While its exact cause is unknown, most experts believe that bruxism can occur as a response to increased psychological stress.
If you suspect you may be grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist. He or she can examine your mouth and jaw for signs of bruxism, such as jaw tenderness and abnormalities in your teeth.

1 comment:

  1. In most cases, teeth grinding sounds worse than it is. It's very likely that your baby isn't doing any damage to his teeth and he'll soon outgrow the habit
