Tuesday, May 3, 2011


 Is an eating disorder characterized by an obsession for specific food or complete groups of food which the person who suffers it believes are harmful to the health, and therefore should be eliminated systematically.
 Anorexic and bulimic patients are aware of the quantity, whereas orthorexics are aware of the quality of the food.
 The danger of orthorexia resides in that the person continuously preaches the health of his diet, and at the same time he puts his health in danger.
 Faulty diets such as these can contribute to a wide range of illnesses that go from the annoying cold to serious anemia to dangerous cancer.
 This disproportionate eating with an inadequate consumption of vitamins and minerals can lead to weakening diseases such as avitaminosis, changes in blood pressure, cancer, osteoporosis and hardening of the arteries.

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